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Take that spark of an idea and turn it into an ocean of possibility.

we're here to bring
big ideas to life




Domain Names
Trade Marking

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I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

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I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

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I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

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Logo Designing
Image by Igor Miske
Unboxing product
Food Photographer
Make that first impression
C O U N T !

Whatever path you want to take your business down there's only one way to look at marketing design - and that's as an investment in your brand.

oing into business is really all about making a positive lasting impression, to stand out, to have a competitive edge with a unique point of difference. 

As professionally trained designers with a reputation built on research, experience and experimentation we provide cut-through in a world of DIY sameness. 
Our designs are unique, our logos are bold, and our solutions integrated... each sensitively connected to the business brand and cleverly created to feel like an extension of your vision.

We work with existing and new businesses looking to reach an international market
to have a global impact and preparing to
launch a new product or service offering

refresh : consolidate :
develop or make-over...

which one are you?

You will find our intuitive, thoughtful and empathetic
creative approach is focused on delivering
a world-class brand to your business -
no matter where you are located.




Dip your toe into a small selection of the work we've completed for a range of clients.
Each had its own wish list of project requirements and scope.
We build the solution to address as many expectations as possible and we problem solve at each step along the way. We like technically challenging projects and act as the conduit between technical teams and the end user.
From tight timeframes - compliance requirements - complex information interpretation - user experience - quality - confidentiality - environmental factors - durability - weight - usability - visual appeal - flexibility of use - multi language - we've develop a professional solution.
Book an appointment with us to get your project moving.
We never compromise on care, quality or detail.


Books & Publications

We can support your business and improve your brand with
print services for books, catalogues, product manuals,
PDS, instructions for use infographics, newsletters,
technical & financial reports, annual reports...

right through to conference, expo and training packs
with support material. 

From Netherby to Yeronga - Nethery A family history Cover.png
We have been designing and creative problem solving for over 30 years. 

Experienced in layout
Experienced in design

Experienced in print

= a quality finish

• book design
• cover design
• typesetting and layout
• proof reading
• photo correction
• digital printing - wire, staple or perfect bound
• offset printing - wire, staple, perfect
  and hard case binding
• full production and print services.

Binding types available:
• paperback / perfect bound
• saddle stitched
• perfect binding
• thermal binding

• wire bound
• spiral bound
• half canadian bound
• case bound hard cover with/without dust jacket

• hand-crafted leather case binding + options
• flipbooks
• specialty packaging

Have a question about your book or publication? 

Client Testimonials


Karen Lightfoot
Regional Sports Activation Officer

Michelle assisted with event coordination on our 3-day event testing the $23.5m Central Coast Regional Sport & Recreation Centre and more recently the 2023 Koori Knockout event held at Tuggerah.


Talented, capable and agile able to pivot and stay focused to deliver whatever portfolio we give her.  Michelle's  easygoing manner and attention to detail will provide a level of confidence in anyone who engages her services. From managing budgets to compliance requirements, to building event awareness with social media posts and coordinating food vendors, security and safety - it's a credit to her level of  care and professionalism in keeping projects on track for a range of events.
She just gets things done!

Michelle's ability to remain focused and calm when things didn't go as planned (which for an event is par for the course), and being able to pivot to consider a different approach was highly valuable to our events success.


Dr Kam Tara

URaP and URaP/TTW have worked on a numerous technical reports, submissions and documents for transport and traffic management studies for over 20 years with Michelle and her team.

Michelle's natural ability to be able to understand and interpret our technical ideas and to turn them into easy to read, well presented documentation and reports for our planning and environmental projects has been instrumental in positive feedback from our clients.  Projects that require confidentiality and the ability to handle complex and restricted information and work from other members of our team, whilst keeping me updated on outstanding elements that required my attention. Many times I commented that she must have read my mind. I'm continually impressed by the quality of her graphic works and ability to get up to speed on complex projects.

Her eye for detail and problem solving ability is a testament to her level of professionalism.  I have a high level of professional respect for what she brings to our projects.


Alan Rankins

Goal Group has engaged and worked with Accentia Design for well over 15 years on defence, disposals, training and compliance related projects for our company.


Michelle and her team have created conference and marketing material, video and presentation designs and printing for our pull up banners for our seminars and industry related events.

She worked with us on projects with AIDN when I was heavily involved in the setup of this network, and GuardWare.

A very flexible and dedicated lady to work with. If you have a business that provides services and products for defence related products and services, we can highly recommend using her services.

Over the years Accentia Design created many exhibition catalogues for touring and local exhibitions held at the Gallery. From catalogue design, invitations, signage for the exhibition and ensuring accurate colour reproduction was accurate, was extremely important to the Gallery's image as well as respectful to the integrity of the artists work.

I've always found Michelle and her team to be a joy and easy to work with - I like the fact they take think things through and always have our brand at the forefront of their design process.  They have a knack for picking up all the little things that can sometimes be overlooked with tight timeframes.  It's really these little things they notice, the care and attention to detail that make the difference for us. 


A pleasure to work with and always professional.

Debbie Abraham, Director Lake Macquarie Art Gallery

We were referred to Michelle at Accentia Design to develop a name and brand for a financial product we were launching.

We were impressed with the research involved behind the ideas that were presented  including a number of options for the business name allowing us to do some testing before making the final decision. This was invaluable and various product naming and visual branding concepts.

Michelle worked with us to deliver a very professional product brand of high quality that we could use to go immediately to market locally and internationally.


We wanted an agency who would actively listen to our needs and keep us regularly updated on the progress of our project.


Accentia provided a range of options, and unlike many packaged type creative services these days, we were able to go beyond the basics with a suite of work that accurately captured our message and was appropriate for multiple uses.

I refer colleagues to Accentia Design that are looking for a level of prestige, care and thoroughness—which is so valuable on the scale of the projects we work on.

Kevin Brown, CEO
Pacific Tristar Pty Ltd

Michelle and her team at Accentia Design provided us with design services to create our inaugural Maitland Indie Writers Festival Program. I've received many comments on how easy it was to read and use and we were fortunate to have such talented people come together in the planning of this event.


I'd definitely recommend Accentia Design's services for future events and publishing work.

Graham Davidson
Event Director
IF Maitland  Festival


Our creative talent

graphic design guy.png
computer guy dark hair.png
girl blonde hair.png

Managing Director & Creative Director
Brand & Product Designer, Print Goddess and Cavoodle Mumma

With 30 yrs experience crafting  and creating brands, Mish has extensive marketing, graphic design, packaging, publishing, event management and print experience.  Having worked in Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne, regional Victoria, WA and a stint in Germany—she's a highly accomplished all-rounder brand and marketing creative — and the Goddess of all things print!.  She can wrangle a tight deadline and untangle the most complex of ideas and creative briefs. Bringing intuition, energy, empathy and can-do attitude – this lady sure knows how to make things happen.

Mish's speciality and passion is working with SME business', government departments and  small to medium enterprises who have entered a growth phase and are ready to reinvigorate and give their brand and marketing a good shake up.  Her talent is in intepreting client ideas and challenging projects with many moving parts and she will make sure things stay on brand – if the devil is in the detail she's wickedly good at seeing things other don't. 


Mish has worked on marketing ideation, product branding for retail, luxury items, government, university and FMCG products. Add to that seminars, events, book and publication design, print and production management, product packaging design, and a large range of marketing & advertising materials.  Mish is our print and production expert and has worked for Australian Geographic, Melbourne University and multiple local government and private sector clients on print, publishing, digital, packaging and large scale signage projects.  She started her career as a typesetter, gained a graphic design & advertising degree before going into print and production management. She's worked with many iconic Australian brands, SME businesses in Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Central Coast as has clients in USA, NZ and Norway.


Lead Brand Designer/Strategist
Barry's been busy for 25 years honing his extensive skills as a Corporate Brand designer working for blue chip clients in London and Sydney. Working predominantly on rebranding campaigns, branding suite development, naming and marketing collateral.  Barry loves adding value to clients work with thoughtful design and know-how to bring the wow factor to their brand - Barry's experience is in high demand and he's our secret weapon.

Trained in London before coming to Australia to call Sydney home - his international experience is evident in his approach to design.  Research and deeply understanding our client's marketplace builds confidence in delivering unique, client/customer centric design.

Lead Web Developer & Social Media Expert
ames has spent a large part of his career  developing and managing websites for large corporate, medium and small business, sporting and events in Sydney. Troubleshooting and IT support.  James can work through any technical issue you might be faced with on your website and e-commerce platform. 


James is able to explain - in non-tech speak - to our clients, and this helps them better understand what we are doing.  His super powers include his calm, approachable, intuitive and empathic nature and ability to fix almost any tech issue. He's able to take the complex and make it clear to even the most novice, untech-ie client and amazes us every day with snippets of fascinating facts.

James loves taking his 3 white sheppards for a run and swim at the beach, is interested in NLP and is blessed with buckloads of patience and technical ability to have your website, e-commerce and social media ticking along problem free.


Content and Social Media Angel
ith 12 years creating content and supporting small businesses to generate physical people walking through the front door, Sasha has a very personable and caring approach and makes clever use of social media to make sure she gets results - and fast!


Sasha's able to build and drive traffic through social media to activate sales in your local area to increase awareness and most importantly, get them to come and buy from you.  If your business is focused on more people through the door and sales, then Sasha's talent at making this happen is where the rubber hits the road with social media. Don't continue to spend money on ads and pointless posts that get likes but don't convert to dollar sales.  Sasha's our social media ninja working quietly away in the background for your businesses success. Sasha is also an accomplish visual artist and avid gardener.

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Our talent


© 2023  Accentia.Design 

Book an appointment


accentia  [ ak-sent-ee-ah ] noun
At Accentia we speak design and interpet ideas
We bring brands, products and publications to life


Servicing Lake Macquarie . Newcastle . Central Coast . Sydney . Melbourne . Gold Coast .
Rural small businesses


Creativity that brings positive change for people, our community, wildlife,
our environment and the planet.  Connect with us.

FB 2022 Cavoodle Calendar frontcover.jpg


Coming Soon... New HopPop
Activity & Colouring Book Set


The Healer Within
Ellen Morris


Spirit of Place
Warren Taggart


By Australia's Youngest Published Author
Laila Sarki


The Leap Year

Four for the Road

Life Uncomplicated

Jane's book covers are by Melbourne Artist Anna Blatman who's artwork featured in The Block in 2021


AustGeographic logo.png
Melb Uni logo.png
Aust Institute of Architects.png
lexus logo.png
NAB logo.png
mlc logo.png
goalgroup logo.png
Mac Care Logo Trans 2014.png
engineers aust logo_edited.jpg
arbre logo.png
eyenvy logo.png
ljhooker logo.png
Maitland CC logo.png
LMCC logo.png
NCC logo.png
Port Stephens Council logo.jpg
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